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low EMF working room/home office

EMF reduction in my home office – Chapter -8

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Since we moved into this new house, in Zichron Yaakov, Israel, I have been having some challenges with my home office room. The house itself is a low EMF house, with RF levels lower than 0.0005mW/m2. But the room which was located to be my home office has several issues that limit my ability to use it for long hours. Since we have moved in I have been finding and fixing issues (see older chapters: Chapter 7 ) and now am able to work in this room for more than 5 hours on a good day.

This week I have made several additional improvements and it is time to report all about them. All the steps I have made this week are a part of the continuous effort to minimize the EMF in the room by using fewer and fewer devices and equipment, minimalization at its best. I have moved one of my kids’ laptops out of the room, removed the WIFI/Bluetooth cards from the laptops, and removed one of the wired phones from the room.

My laptop sits along

In my home office room I used to have my own laptop, and one of my kids’ laptops. I noticed that when the other laptop is being used, even with all WIFI/BT set off and widely connected to the network, I feel worse. In addition when my kids play or work they also used to take my laptop, and I was kicked out of the room, and was left to work on a slow laptop outside my home office. So I bought a second LENOVO THINKPAD E15 laptop, and now my kids are both working on the wired laptops on the dining table and I can use the room. As it should be, since this is my room, I need my peace and quiet and I need my low EMF home office.

low EMF working room/home office
low EMF working room/home office

The removal of the second laptop from my home office room allows me to reduce the emission of EMI from the laptop and its power supply, keyboard, and mouse.

kids playing on wired laptops
kids playing on wired laptops

Removing the WIFI/BT cars from the laptops

In the past few months, I have noticed that whenever the win10 operation system updates itself, the WIFI and Bluetooth cards, which I have disabled via the device manager, are back on. This results in RF transmission from the laptop, once every couple of minutes. This week it happens again and it took me 3 hours to understand why I am more restless than usual. Once I found out that once again I was exposed to RF radiation from the laptops, I decided to remove the WIFI/BT cards from the motherboard.

Removal of WIFI card from laptop
Removal of WIFI card from the laptop

This is something you can do yourself if you are a computer DIY or professional. Or you can ask your PC technician to do it for a small fee. Without the cards, even if the operating system will update 10000 times, the WIFI/BT cards will not be enabled back on, and will not radiate anymore. If you are an EHS person, this might be the right move for you.

One wired phone is enough

I have to corded phone line, one for the house, one for the business. I used to have two phones in the home office room, one for each. I wanted to remove one of them, so I used a small switch, and 2 phone cables to build a switch to choose between the lines. This allowed me to use one phone in the room which is less EMI, less space taken, and more comfortable.

Corded phone, 2 lines switch, airtube earphones.
Corded phone, 2 lines switch, airtube earphones.