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In this chapter, we will bring several key studies about the possible health effect of ELF Radiation exposure.

Key Studies on ELF EMF
Key Studies on ELF-EMF

Extreme low-frequency electromagnetic fields have been calcified by the WHO/IARC as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” in 2002. The classification came after several studies and pool analysis showing that people, and especially children, that lived or studied next or under to high voltage power line had a much higher risk of getting different types of cancer.
Some studies did not show a link because of a wrong working assumption that the exposure from the power line extends up to 200 meters from the power lines, while in reality, in most cases, the magnetic field from 400KV power lines reaches less than 50 meters from each side of the power line. A pooled analysis of the data was done using the 50 meters as the exposure limit and showed the risk and the link to cancer.

The level that is considered to be the risk threshold is 2-3 mG. The ICNIRP, very high – so call safety standard, defined 1000 mG as safe for short term exposure (in 2004 raised to 200mG). ICNIRP standard is still being considered by many governance and electrical companies as the only standard that should be used, regardless of the fact the ICNIRP’s standard takes into consideration only one short term health effect which is muscle tension.

Leading studies about the likes between ELF from power lines to cancer

More studies and details about ELF magnetic health risk are available on 
Power lines health risk –
Mechanism –