The truth ministry is kicking me out?

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Today Facebook (may a better name of it would be “The truth ministry”) has alerted me that a post of mine, talking about an older post of mine explaining the possible biological mechanism of harm that EMF radiation initiates (endless loop?) , was removed as it was suspected of spam.

This marks another step in the persecution of the truth and my views on EMF on Facebook(The truth ministry). It is a good opportunity to let you know that I have other ways and platforms you can comment and have discussions, other than Facebook.

This site, which since 2010 has been the backbone of my web activity and is now a source of knowledge for many people across the world, will soon be added a Forum, and more pages will be opened to remarks and comments.

In addition, I am also active on Instagram (don’t like it too much) and MEWE (looks a lot like Facebook but with fewer people).

In addition, there is a Youtube channel where you can watch videos and also comment.

The post that was blocked